Monday, August 23, 2021

lockdown walk

 In lockdown me my sister and my dad went on a walk in the weekend first we walked to the park then I spotted a river so we followed it then we saw some ducks and fish we kept following the river but then it stopped. So we followed the path in the park until we found a bridge that we crossed.And I realised what street it was it was the street that led to a park super close to our house. on the way we saw a hedgehog it was just sitting in the middle of the road so we moved him onto the side of the road and went home.


  1. Hi Lachlan. That sounds like fun walk with a few creatures in it. You can work on putting capital letters at a start of each sentence and adding adjectives to your writing. Maybe you can write down what park it was and add some punctuation. :-)

  2. house. on the way we saw a.....

    Put a capital letter!

  3. I've been walking lot's as well Lachlan. Sunshine (puppy) needs to go for two walks a day so we are over at the park all the time. I'm pleased the weather is improving and we've had some lovely days. Sunshine is enjoying having us all at home and the extra attention and love.

    Do you think the Hedgehog was ok? I understand that if you see them during the day they might be sick...
    I'll check back again soon and see what your latest lockdown adventures are!

  4. Kia Ora Lachlan! I enjoy going on walks too!! But going on my scooter. When you found the hedgehog on the road, that was a very dangerous place for that hedgehog.. Thank You for looking after the hedgehog! Well Done! Did you know I also play the game Sonic the Hedgehog?
