Wednesday, October 27, 2021

My missing cat

 Last night my cat was in a fight. when we woke up I didn't realise until my mum said have you seen Finnse I said no I haven't so then we looked all around our property and we could not find him then our neighbor said he would see if Finnse was in there backyard then he saw something dart across the back of there house to there driveway so we checked there but could not find him so our neighbor said he would go and check if he was there but when he was gone Finnse came to us so I went to go and him we had found our cat and that's how our cat went missing for 5 hours. 


  1. Hola Lachlan,
    It is really sad that your cat got in a fight, and its not great having a cat missing for ages.
    Keep it up Lachlan!

  2. I'm really happy that he came back
    From Darcy

  3. It not nice to hear when cats are fighting. They make such a noise when they are angry. It makes your heart worry when you wonder where they actually are. I think your cat must have gone on an adventure. It would be really interesting if you could ask them and find out what they did.
    Thanks for sharing your story.

  4. Hi Lachlan,
    I like your blog it's just it needs a bit more colour it would make it more exiting to read. Other than that your blog posts look good.
    From Ella :D

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hi Lachlan!
    It must have been really sad when your cat got lost. I've felt how it feels when my pet rabbits keep running away... luckily they stopped since 10/10/20.
    Hopefully your cat stops getting into fights too.
    You can check out my blog at
    Yuvaan rm23 NWS
